Guided Drawing® is a bilateral drawing approach (drawing with both hands with eyes closed) that supports body mapping in a trauma-informed way.


  • Bilateral Drawing for Body Mapping: Utilizes bilateral drawing (both hands, eyes closed) to map body tensions and patterns related to trauma.

  • Expresses Inner Tension: Clients rhythmically draw to express inner tension, bracing, and pain held within the body, fostering release.

  • Massage Movements for Release: Follows drawing with massage movements to address physiological symptoms and release embedded emotions.

  • Structured Experience with Universal Shapes: Introduces universal shapes (line, circle, square) for a safe and structured approach, informed by neurobiological stress response insights.

  • Embodied Art Therapy: Employs neurobiological insights into stress responses, enabling embodied expression without relying on imagery.

  • Non-Imagery Focused: Doesn't require artistic ability; focuses on expressing felt sense rather than specific imagery.

  • Tension Release and Boundary Assertion: Rhythmic repetition aids in releasing tension, asserting boundaries, and nurturing the self.

  • Empowerment through Action: Clients experience empowerment by actively helping themselves, witnessing tangible impacts on their felt sense, fostering a sense of control and empowerment.

There is no pressure in Guided Drawing to draw ‘something’, rather what is put on the page is a direct expression of one's felt sense. Images are abstract in nature. No artistic ability required as no specific image is drawn.

As the name suggests, the approach encourages listening to inner guidance, to what the body needs to restore self-esteem, balance and health.

“Neuroplasticity has discovered that through creating new experiences, we can help the brain recalibrate itself towards responding adequately to the current reality, interrupting destructive habits and negative belief systems from the past. Such a process allows clients to rewrite their biography towards a more authentic, alive sense of self.” From Elbrecht, Cornelia. Healing Trauma with Guided Drawing; a sensorimotor art therapy approach to bilateral body mapping.

Clients can access Guided Drawing® on its own or in addition to Psychological therapy, in this way we enable both cognitive and somatic processing of emotions to occur.

Whilst outcomes in Guided Drawing® vary from individual to individual, many clients find it a safe space to express strong negative emotions. It is a non-verbal way to describe what happened or what is currently happening. It is a gentle way to encourage the development of emotion regulation in both children and adults. Guided drawing sessions are offered in the clinic and can also be facilitated via Zoom sessions.